Saturday, 29 March 2014

Painting Scenes From The Book

This week I have been working hard on painting images for the final book. These of course could be changed later on but for now this is what I have come up with I'm relatively pleased with how they turned out as I like the placing of the girl in the woods; I think I am also settled with the kind of colour palette I am using; dark and muted but with certain colours standing out in each image such as white to create more of a contrast.

Red will be a major colour theme throughout the book as it is what links Gerda and Kai together while they are apart - red, of course, symbolising love.

So far I have painted a lot of full scenes therefore for my other illustrations I will crop/zoom into images so there is a variation of compositions in my book. I've chosen to work on the moments in the story that will work well as illustrations and also the ones that are most vital to the story.
The main thought behind this piece was that it is the first time she has ventured away from home, and 'out into the wide world'; this subliminal message is portrayed by her small size in contrast to with the tall trees. She is away from the comfort of her house and about to go on an unknown journey.

When a piece of the mirror gets in a person's heart, they "become like a lump of ice". Here,
I have taken this literally. I am quite pleased with this image as it has a sense of abstractness, yet it isn't fully abstract either. 

The rose is another major recurring theme as it is Kai and Gerda's favourite flower. When Kai kicks it
over then, it is quite a dramatic moment and a strong message so I think it might work better if it was just the rose. The kicked over rose also represents Gerda's hurt feelings afterwards.

Kai and Gerda together in the beginning, this image compared to the rest I wanted to create an
aura of happiness and joy as this will later contrast quite extremely with the long voyage
Gerda undertakes.

"The Demon and His Mirror", Selina Quach, 2014
I wanted to depict a calm and peaceful background, thus the clear sky but with a little cloudiness up ahead which foreshadows the breaking of the mirror. The peaceful atmosphere is also contrasted by the strong black figure in the sky.

"Past the Moon and Over Hills", Selina Quach, 2014
The emphasis here was on the paragraph that describes the wonderful scenery happening around Kai and the Snow Queen in chapter 2. The full moon symbolises "height of power, the peak of clarity, fullness and obtainment of desire" which I felt was suitable for this scene as The Snow Queen has taken what she wanted and therefore symbolically at the "height" of her power.

"No Peace Or Rest In Her Eyes", Selina Quach, 2014
In keeping with the moon symbolism (as it is a strong symbol for magic which is a dominant theme in the book) the new moon here represents new beginnings/rebirth. Kai sets eyes on the Snow Queen for the first time and a change is about to occur.

Kai Sleeping At The Feet of the Snow Queen - Selina Quach, 2014
The splash of red for Kai's gloves represent the small yet still present tie between him and Gerda. This technique I think I will be using throughout the book. I painted the light on the floor almost reaching Kai to emphasise that he is now in darkness (within the Snow Queen's domain) and unable to leave.

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